8 February 2016

How to stop body odour

Body odour is the smell of body which is unpleasant. The secretion of some chemicals by the apocrine sweat glands is the major cause of body odour. Sweat is a process which is natural in which fluid is produced by the skin in order to maintain body temperature. There is greater chances of body odour when people sweat more. The sweat in the body is odourless but the unpleasant smell in the body comes when the bacterium that lives on the body breaks down the body sweats into acids. The acids do not cause any harm to the body but only give the skin or body smell that is irritating. The acids in which the body sweats are broken into are propanoic acid with pungent swell and isovaleric  acid. Isovaleric acid is mostly found on the feet. This acid has a strong pungent cheesy.

When body odour is inherited, it means such body odour is genetic. Poor personal hygiene can lead to body odour.  Some people are lazy and dirty to the extent that when it comes to bathing, they postpone it. People tend to be lazy when they find it hard to wash off  the sweat on their body. Therefore, if you do not bath, you are given the bacteria that causes the body odour an opportunity to act on your body sweat. Women that sweat much at night are women that are very close to menopause.
This is a sign that their menstrual period will soon stop coming. The armpits and the genital parts seems to have more of the body odour. These parts of the body have hairs which help in the diffusion of the body odour. Other body parts that are sensitive to body odour include feet, navel, back of the ears as well as the rest of the body.

Some diseases can lead to body odour. Chronic diseases or life threatening diseases such as liver problem, diabetes, kidney disease tend to be associated with body odour. People suffering of the above ailments sweat more than normal. They tend to sweat more at night or at the time when the weather is cold. People that are obese also tend to sweat more which may lead them into having body odour. The skin of the obese people folds. Sweats can hide there. Inability to wash the sweats away can lead to body odour.

How to stop body odour 

Using antiseptics during bathing can help you wash away  sweats on your skin. People that have body odour should form the habit of washing their bodies frequently with warm water and soap. The body parts like armpits, folded skin, public areas, feet and toes should be given special attention at the time of bathing. Antiperspirants as well as deodorants should be used on the body. Body sweats can be reduced during hot weather by wearing light fabric clothes. Since garlic, spices and red meat consumption lead to increase in body sweats, they should be reduced to the minimal level. Clothes should be washed after wearing and should be spread out under the sun to dry. People with body odour should seek for medical attention.

Feet odour 

This type of odour can be caused mainly by putting on sock and shoes for a very long time without leaving the shoes and feet in the air.

How to stop feet odour

1. Shoes that do not need the use of sock should be purchased.

2. If you have shoes that requires the use of sock, sock should be washed immediately after use.

3. You should avoid putting on sock and shoes for a very long time without leaving your shoes and feet in the air.

4.Shoes that are tight should be avoided.

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