3 February 2016

How to reduce your body weight

Reducing your weight becomes important when you are carrying around too much weight. To much weight makes one feel uncomfortable and can damage your health. According to the Centers of Disease Control and prevention (CDC), obesity rates in the  United States in recent years has shoot up abruptly. More than one-third of American adults were discovered obese. That is having a body mass index (BMI) of  30 or higher. Body mass is gotten by dividing weight  by height in inches squared and the result of the division is multiplied by 703.

Carbohydrates from the food we eat increases body weight. It does not matter whether the carbohydrates are from bread, sugar, vegetables or fruit. Carbohydrates digestion in the body are very fast and are converted to blood glucose quickly. A short after eating food that is rich in carbohydrate, the glucose in the bloodstream raises rapidly and your pancreas produces a large amount of insulin to take the excess glucose out. Eating fat does neither raise blood glucose nor insulin levels. Insulin is the hormone in the body that is responsible for the body fat storage. Since fats do not bring about the response of insulin, they cannot be stored as body fat. Insulin takes glucose out of the bloodstream. The glucose is first converted into a starch called glycogen which is stored in the liver and in muscle. Human body can only store a limited amount of glycogen. As a result of this, the excess glucose is stored in the body as fat. This tend to add weight in the body. When the level of glucose in the blood of your body becomes normal after about 90 minutes, the level of insulin in the bloodstream is still near maximum. As a result of this, insulin will continue to take glucose away and store it as fat. This makes the glucose level in your blood to fall below normal and you feel hungry again. When you eat food that contain more carbohydrates, the whole process starts over again. This makes you to get fatter, but feeling hungry at the same time. At this situation, it makes it almost impossible for you not to over eat.

In order to reduce your body weight, only cutting carbohydrates can do it. This is because a carbohydrate-based diet prevents you from losing excess fat. This means cutting carbohydrates can make you to lose weight.

To reduce your body fat, your body must use the stored fat as fuel and this can be possible when your body is deprived of the present supply of fuel: blood glucose. Your body's glucose supply can be reduced by two ways.You can starve. This is what is referred to as low-fat dieting. The second way in which your body glucose supply can be reduced is by reducing the consumption of food that contains starches and sugars from which glucose is made, and make up the difference with another fuel: fat.

The second way to reduce the body glucose supply has two advantages over the tradition calorie controlled diet. The first advantage is that you do not have to go hungry. The second advantage is that by feeding on fats, your body will stop trying to find glucose. The body will naturally begin by using its own stored fat as energy.

When you consume food that contains carbohydrate, your capacity to use fat that are stored in the body is limited. Increasing blood glucose at the time of dieting brings about insulin release. When there is low concentration of insulin, fat synthesis can be activated. The break - up of fat in  this case is inhibited. This means you can force your body into a fat - making mode, not a fat using mode when you eat a carbohydrate- based low - fat diet. Insulin inhibits  the production of fat -burning enzymes. This prevents your body fat cells from releasing their fat. This also prevents your body from burning fats that are stored in the body and makes it impossible for you to lose your body weight.

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